The Community Partner Program, sponsored by the Fern Ridge Library Foundation, is an annual giving program for businesses and organizations interested in supporting the children, youth, families, and patrons of the Fern Ridge Library. Businesses and organizations receive recognition for their donations and provide important support for the Fern Ridge Library.
Business philanthropy contributes to the vitality of our region and the quality of life we enjoy in Lane County. Together, we are able to accomplish more when the Foundation works with local and regional businesses and organizations to improve our community. As you may know, the Fern Ridge Library serves over 13,000 people in the Veneta, Elmira, Noti, Walton, and surrounding areas of western Lane County.
Business and organization gifts of $50 and above will establish membership in the Community Partner Program. Each membership level has benefits and recognition as described below. The gift levels are: Basic Member for gifts of $50 to $149, Associate Member for gifts of $150-$299, the Sustaining Member for gifts of $300-$499, and the Leadership Member for gifts of $500 and above. Annual gifts are always appreciated.
Thank You!
The Fern Ridge Library Foundation thanks our 2023-24 Community Partner members for their generous support of the Fern Ridge Library.
The Community Partner Program is a giving program for local and regional businesses and organizations who wish to help the library meet the needs of our growing community. Annual gifts and renewed gifts are always appreciated.
Chambers Construction
Champion Technologies
Equinox Foundation
Friends of the Fern Ridge Library
Oregon Country Fair
Redtail Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Swanson Brothers Lumber Co.
Emerald Secure Storage
J.P. Hammer Properties
Veneta Chiropractic Corp.
West Lane Dairy Queen
Banner Bank
Dari-Mart Stores
Ixtapa Mexican Restaurant
Laughing Stock Farm
OakieDoak Automotive LLC
Veterinary House Call Service
Wartenbee Trucking
Interested in becoming a Community Partner?
Use the “Join Us” button for online giving or send check to FRLF, PO Box 397, Veneta, OR 97487. For questions, contact Fern Ridge Library Foundation at info@frlfoundation.org.
Thank you!
The Fern Ridge Library Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charitable organization.
Basic Member $50 – $149 Business and organization donors will receive a thank you letter and a sticker “I support the Fern Ridge Library” sent with their letter and gift receipt. All business and organization donors will be recognized in the Honor Roll of donors in the annual newsletter.
Associate Member $150 – $299—An Adopt a Shelf permanent shelf tag will be ordered and placed in the library for all business and organization donors that meet this gift level. Recognition for our current year Community Partner donors will be featured on our “Thank You” section on our website. Includes all benefits listed above.
Sustaining Member $300 – $499—A certificate recognizing your business or organization will be prepared and mailed for display. Current year Community Partner donors will be included in our “Thank You” poster on display inside the Fern Ridge Library each May. Receive year-round recognition by sharing your support on our website. Send us your logo and a sentence about why you support the library for posting to info@frlfoundation.org. Includes all benefits as listed above.
Leadership Member $500 and above—A framed certificate will be delivered to your business or organization for display. Includes all benefits as listed above.
Loyalty Recognition—For Community Partner donors at the Sustaining Member or Leadership Member level who have given each year for the past three years, the Foundation will recognize you at the Writers & Wine event and on our website in appreciation for your ongoing support.
“We applaud your effort to help the community. Best success!”
“Lane Electric believes in supporting activities and organizations that aid and sustain the community and its youth. Lane Electric feels the Library is a valuable, sustainable asset towards these goals.”
“Fostering visibility and good will for our business and organization donors with the Community Partner program is a win-win for the Foundation and business community.”
“Libraries are one of the most important public services in a community. Books are a reliable place to find facts, locate free knowledge available to everyone, and helps create a world of possibilities for the imagination.”
“The Oregon Country Fair is a supporter of the Fern Ridge Library because we believe in art; we believe in community; we believe in equal access to resources; we believe in education; we believe in self-empowerment; we believe in dialogue; we believe in families; we believe in literacy; and because knowledge is power.
“Our family has always been bookworms and supporters of libraries. We want to do our part, if we can help buy a book or computer to help kids, then that is our goal. We have a real interest in seeing kids educated.”
“We believe the Library is an important source of knowledge for young people in the area.”
“We support Fern Ridge Library because they provide valuable education to the community, especially to the kids!”